Login: | zajcator |
Płeć: | Mężczyzna |
Zarejestrowany: | 17.11.2007r. |
Ost. logowanie: | 19.11.2007, 17:36 |
Punkty: | 20 |
Wiek | 46 |
Status | offline |
Opis |
Treść komentarza: | There was a hole in the wall and now you've sealed it.Turn left and take the mat. Open the toilet and use the mat on it.Turn right and click the handle again. It won't work. Select the spring / coil, then click the handle. They are combined now. Click the handle once more and the room will be flooded and you'll float to the top. Now you see the vent in front of you.Use the screwdriver on it. Blue sky! But what's that: you can't get out? Well, the window is a bit small. Use the soap water on it to slip through. |
Treść komentarza: | Click on the cabinet. When it's open click its bottom right corner to get the tape. Zoom out and click to the left of the sink. There is some soap. Use the flap with the spring / coil to get it. Now examine the flap once more and click on the spring / coil to separate them again. Click on the plug to use it in the sink.Turn left, select the tape and click the door near its frame. Now the door is sealed.Turn left again, examine the air freshener and click it in the close up until it's open. With the new freshener bowl selected click the handle on the corner sink, then click the water. The bowl is now filled with water. Examine it and combine with the soap. Now combine the soap water with the tube to make a bubble. Watch the bubble floating around: in one spot it will behave oddly. Select the tape and click this spot. |
Treść komentarza: | Get the toilet paper, select it in your inventory and click the button to the right of your inventory to examine it. In the close up, click the tube to separate it from the rest. Now click where the pipe goes into the toilet and take the green air freshener.Turn right, click on the sink and get the flap from inside.Turn right to face the door, then look up. Get the calendar and examine it, in the close up click the spring /coil. Now examine the flap, in the close up click on the spring / coil and then on the flap to combine them. Go back to the door view and click the top left corner of the doorframe until you hear a sound. Now look down again - you'll see a screwdriver. Take it.Turn right and select the screwdriver |
Treść komentarza: | Nikt nie pisze o koncówce, jak wyjść przez okno. Należy użyć mydła z wodą i tyle. Następny post jest z całym opisem, tylko że po angielsku. |