Login: | yuguremayonaka |
Płeć: | Kobieta |
Zarejestrowany: | 23.03.2010r. |
Ost. logowanie: | 27.01.2016, 21:32 |
Punkty: | 1 285 |
Wiek | 29 |
Status | offline |
Opis | The Edge of Normality |
Treść komentarza: | 5/5... I trochę dużo rzeczy do robienia i to lubię ^^. Do ulu i...Kopiuję, żeby było na górze. EPISODE 2 void + glass = lightbulb void + electricity = radio wave light bulb + radio wave = tv tv + book = computer radiowave + radiowave = radiation metal + radiation = plutonium plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb computer + radio wave = cell phone energy + fire = plasma plasma + void = sun sun + grass = flower sun + flower = sunflower tree + flower = apple sand + tree = palm tree seeds + energy = coffee void + airplane = rocket Void + rocket= Satellite Radio wave + fire = laser laser + book = CD metal + water = quicksilver quick silver demigod= philospers stone Apple + cell phone = gold human + computer = cyborg computer + computer = internet EPISODE 3 commandments + human = religion religion + human = law + sin Beast + house = cat + dog tools + law = mechanism alcoholic + ship = pirate alcoholic + house = tavern sand + glass = clock waater + glass = ice book + human = knowledge warrior + firearm = soldier gold + paper = money knowledge + fish = octopus bacteria + milk = cheese money + human = work beetle + work = ant human + bacteria = virus mechanism + book = typewriter knowledge + human = scientist fish + egg = caviar apple + dough = pie law + soldier = policeman ice + milk = ice cream knowledge + virus = medicine fire + meat = steak reed + field = sugar ice + mechanism = freezer sex + human = fun reed + human = music human + rocket = astronaut corpse + electricity = death metal medicine + bacteria = antibiotics music + alcohol = rock-n-roll alcohol + grass = absinthe money + skyscraper = bank computer + virus = hacker coffee + vodka = b-52 law + fun = games alcohol + pirate = rum sugar + bread = cookies alcoholic + money = hangover money + bank = debt debt + money = credit card vodka + firearm + russian roulette sex + sex = censored typewriter + human = journalist life + void = alien fire + vodka = molotov cocktail milk + vodka = white russian water + water = sea sun + sea = salt rocket + alien = ufo beast + medicine = rat vodka + worm = tequila |
Treść komentarza: | 5/5... I trochę dużo rzeczy do robienia i to lubię ^^. Do ulu i...Kopiuję, żeby było na górze. EPISODE 1 earth + fire = lava air + earth = dust air + fire = energy energy + air = storm fire + dust = ash lava + air = stone fire + stone = metal water + stone = sand energy + metal = electricity water + air = steam metal + steam = boiler fire + sand = glass water + earth = swamp fire + water = alcohol swamp + sand = clay swamp + energy = life alcohol + water = vodka water + life = weeds swamp + life = bacteria swamp + weeds = moss earth + moss = grass swamp + grass = reed water + bacteria = plankton life + sand = seeds life + ash = ghost life + stone = egg egg + earth = dinosaur dinosaur + fire = dragon air + egg = bird swamp + moss = fern clay + life = golem golem + life = human human + fire = corpse human + human = sex life + corpse = zombie zombie + corpse = ghoul human + energy = wizard wizard + energy = demigod seed + earth = tree human + metal = tools metal + tools = weapons weapons + man = hunter hunter + weapons = warrior warrior + dragon = hero + blood blood + human = vampire fire + clay = bricks tools + reed = paper bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood tree + tool = wood feather + paper = book swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur tree + fire = ash + ash + coal coal + boiler = steam-engine human + alcohol = alcoholic sand + worm = snake snake + water = fish water + coal = oil plankton + fish = whale snake + tools = poison poison + weapon = poisoned weapon poisoned weapon + human = assassin wood + tool = wheel earth + tools = field field + seeds = wheat wheat + stone = flour flour + water = dough dough + fire = bread bread + alcohol = beer sand + egg = turtle swamp + egg = lizard wood + wheel = cart cart + steam engine = locomotive bird + fire = phoenix lizard + earth = beast beast + vampire = werewolf worm + earth = beetle fire + grass = tobacco beetle + sand = scorpion tobacco + paper = cigarette wood + water = boat cart + beast = chariot hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood human + clay = ceramics human + stone = hut stone + plankton = shell shell + stone = limestone limestone + clay = cement tools + wool = fabric human + beast = domesticated animal life + tree = treant weeds + earth = mushroom water + cement = concrete concrete + bricks = house fish + beast = dolphin wood + boat = ship oil + cart = car car + air = airplane fabric + human = clothes air + worm = butterfly storm + bird = thunderbird glass + house = skyscraper domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder weapon + gunpowder = firearm ship + fabric = frigate ship + steam engine = steamship EPISODE 2 void + glass = lightbulb void + electricity = radio wave light bulb + radio wave = tv tv + book = computer radiowave + radiowave = radiation metal + radiation = plutonium plutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bomb computer + radio wave = cell phone energy + fire = plasma plasma + void = sun sun + grass = flower sun + flower = sunflower tree + flower = apple sand + tree = palm tree seeds + energy = coffee void + airplane = rocket Void + rocket= Satellite Radio wave + fire = laser laser + book = CD metal + water = quicksilver quick silver demigod= philospers stone Apple + cell phone = gold human + computer = cyborg computer + computer = internet EPISODE 3 commandments + human = religion religion + human = law + sin Beast + house = cat + dog tools + law = mechanism alcoholic + ship = pirate alcoholic + house = tavern sand + glass = clock waater + glass = ice book + human = knowledge warrior + firearm = soldier gold + paper = money knowledge + fish = octopus bacteria + milk = cheese money + human = work beetle + work = ant human + bacteria = virus mechanism + book = typewriter knowledge + human = scientist fish + egg = caviar apple + dough = pie law + soldier = policeman ice + milk = ice cream knowledge + virus = medicine fire + meat = steak reed + field = sugar ice + mechanism = freezer sex + human = fun reed + human = music human + rocket = astronaut corpse + electricity = death metal medicine + bacteria = antibiotics music + alcohol = rock-n-roll alcohol + grass = absinthe money + skyscraper = bank computer + virus = hacker coffee + vodka = b-52 law + fun = games alcohol + pirate = rum sugar + bread = cookies alcoholic + money = hangover money + bank = debt debt + money = credit card vodka + firearm + russian roulette sex + sex = censored typewriter + human = journalist life + void = alien fire + vodka = molotov cocktail milk + vodka = white russian water + water = sea sun + sea = salt rocket + alien = ufo beast + medicine = rat vodka + worm = tequila kupiuje żeby bylo na gorze |
Treść komentarza: | ^^ 91% ^^. Trochę trudno, jak kot pcha d*psko na klawiaturę xD 5/5 |
Treść komentarza: | Domo-kuuun ^^ xD. 3/5 za domo-kuna i za animacje, reszta to guffienko ^^ |
Ocena |
Opis gry: | HICIOR! Sprawdź się i wciel się w uczestnika Idola! Zasada, by wypaść jak najlepiej, to utrzymywać poprzeczkę na linii pomiędzy strzałkami uważając, aby nie zjechała w dół, oraz dodatkowo wykonywać ruchy strzałkami lewo/prawo gdy owe się zaświecą. |
Treść komentarza: | Uuuch, słabo 49 tysięcy coś mi wyszło . Gra fajna, Yugu lubi. ^^ 5/5 |
Ocena |
Opis gry: | Gra jest skierowana do fanów zespołu My Chemical Romance! Jesteś Heleną - bohaterką teledysku My Chemical Romance. Przed Tobą jest wiele zadań, które musisz wykonać. Musisz uważać na wrogów. Sterowanie: Strzałki - poruszanie się Spacja - strzał W tle można usłyszeć (nieco 'zremiksowany') utwór My Chemical Romance - Helena. |
Ocena |
Opis gry: | Pomóż Fineaszowi i Ferbowi w trikach na latającej desce. |
Ocena |
Opis gry: | Gra na podstawie animacji pt. "Animator Vs Animation". Wcielasz się w Animatora flash walczącego z własnym dziełem: Victimem, Killerem, Bestem, The Chosen One lub w Animacje walczącą z Animatorem. Sterowanie za pomocą myszki (używaj wszelkich narzędzi z pulpitu). Uwaga, gra ze względu na swoją złożonośc może się długo ładować. Filmiki z tej serii dostępne są tutaj: Animator vs Animation i Animator vs Animation 2 |
Ocena |
Opis gry: | Urocza gra w stylu manga, w której możesz ubrać się jak prawdziwa "Mori Girl", w nowy japoński styl, który prezentuje idealne spotkanie natury i mody. Zamień się w małego nowoczesnego "Czerwonego Kapturka", łącząc stroje i dodatki w delikatnych kolorach! |