Giercownia - Gry Online

Profil: laurkax3

Login: laurkax3
Płeć: Kobieta
Zarejestrowany: 14.02.2010r.
Ost. logowanie: 10.04.2012, 10:13
Punkty: 551
Wiek 24
Status offline

sobota, 15.10.2011r.

laurkax3 zagłosowała
Opis gry: Wciel się w agenta Smitha i pomóż mu w misji wyeliminowania mutantów oraz ich bossów, którzy opanowali miasto.
W zadaniu pomoże Ci wiele rodzajów broni i ulepszeń oraz doświadczenie jakie zdobywa Twoja postać w trakcie gry.
W;S;A;D lub Strzałki - poruszanie się
Spacja - atak/podniesienie broni
X - skok
C - pozbycie się broni
Aby uruchomić grę klikamy w Start, a następnie w Story Mode.
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: nie mam cela :
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: bardzo faje i miło się gra naprawde polecam
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: Według mnie wszyscy co zwracają na to uwage są albo debilami,gorszymi dziećmi albo są zazdrośni... nawet dałem raz w takiej jednej grze komentarz "pierwszy" i to samo... Matko chce się pochwalić to jego sprawa a jak się wam nie podoba nie czytajcie tym bardziej nie oceniajcie -.- Wracając do gry 5/5
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: wieś wyjdz unicorn ja byś mał wysoki pozom IQ to byś im powiedział chodzi oto żę trzeba je dopasować do siebie to są puzzle D
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: 5/5 i ul kopiujcie żeby było wyżej: earth + fire = lava, air + earth = dust, air + fire = energy, energy + air = storm ,fire + dust = ash, lava + air = storm, fire + stone = metal, water + stone = sand, energy + metal = electricity, water + air = steam, metal + steam = boiler, fire + sand = glass, water + earth = swamp, fire + water = alcohol, swamp + sand = clay, swamp + energy = life, alcohol + water = vodka, water + life = weeds, swamp + life = bacteri, swamp + weeds = moss, earth + moss = grass, swamp + grass = reed, water + bacteria = plankton, life + sand = seeds, life + ash = ghost, life + stone = egg, egg + earth = dinosaur, dinosaur + fire = dragon, air + egg = bird, swamp + moss = fern, clay + life = golem, golem + life = human, human + fire = corpse, human + human = sex, life + corpse = zombie, zombie + corpse = ghoul, human + energy = wizard, wizard + energy = demigod, seed + earth = tree, human + metal = tools, metal + tools = weapons, weapons + man = hunter, hunter + weapons = warrior, warrior + dragon = hero + blood, blood + human = vampire, fire + clay = bricks, tools + reed = paper, bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood, tree + tool = wood, feather + paper = book, swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur, tree + fire = ash + ash + coal, coal + boiler = steam-engine, human + alcohol = alcoholic, sand + worm = snake, snake + water = fish, water + coal = oil, plankton + fish = whale, snake + tools = poison, poison + weapon = poisoned weapon, poisoned weapon + human = assassin, wood + tool = wheel, earth + tools = field, field + seeds = wheat, wheat + stone = flour, flour + water = dough, dough + fire = bread, bread + alcohol = beer, sand + egg = turtle, swamp + egg = lizard, wood + wheel = cart, cart + steam engine = locomotive, bird + fire = phoenix, lizard + earth = beast, beast + vampire = werewolf, worm + earth = beetle, fire + grass = tobacco, beetle + sand = scorpion, tobacco + paper = cigarette, wood + water = boat, cart + beast = chariot, hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood, human + clay = ceramics, human + stone = hut, stone + plankton = shell, shell + stone = limestone, limestone + clay = cement, tools + wool = fabric, human + beast = domesticated animal, life + tree = treant, weeds + earth = mushroom, water + cement = concrete, concrete + bricks = house, fish + beast = dolphin, wood + boat = ship, oil + cart = car, car + air = plane, fabric + human = clothes, air + worm = butterfly, 100. storm + bird = thunderbird, glass + house = skyscraper, domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer, limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter, saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder, weapon + gunpowder = firearm, ship + fabric = frigate ship
laurkax3 zagłosowała
Opis gry: Stwórz świat jaki znamy łącząc ze sobą cztery żywioły.
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: 5/5 i ul kopiujcie żeby było wyżej: earth + fire = lava, air + earth = dust, air + fire = energy, energy + air = storm ,fire + dust = ash, lava + air = storm, fire + stone = metal, water + stone = sand, energy + metal = electricity, water + air = steam, metal + steam = boiler, fire + sand = glass, water + earth = swamp, fire + water = alcohol, swamp + sand = clay, swamp + energy = life, alcohol + water = vodka, water + life = weeds, swamp + life = bacteri, swamp + weeds = moss, earth + moss = grass, swamp + grass = reed, water + bacteria = plankton, life + sand = seeds, life + ash = ghost, life + stone = egg, egg + earth = dinosaur, dinosaur + fire = dragon, air + egg = bird, swamp + moss = fern, clay + life = golem, golem + life = human, human + fire = corpse, human + human = sex, life + corpse = zombie, zombie + corpse = ghoul, human + energy = wizard, wizard + energy = demigod, seed + earth = tree, human + metal = tools, metal + tools = weapons, weapons + man = hunter, hunter + weapons = warrior, warrior + dragon = hero + blood, blood + human = vampire, fire + clay = bricks, tools + reed = paper, bird + hunter = meat + feather + blood, tree + tool = wood, feather + paper = book, swamp + bacteria = worm + sulfur, tree + fire = ash + ash + coal, coal + boiler = steam-engine, human + alcohol = alcoholic, sand + worm = snake, snake + water = fish, water + coal = oil, plankton + fish = whale, snake + tools = poison, poison + weapon = poisoned weapon, poisoned weapon + human = assassin, wood + tool = wheel, earth + tools = field, field + seeds = wheat, wheat + stone = flour, flour + water = dough, dough + fire = bread, bread + alcohol = beer, sand + egg = turtle, swamp + egg = lizard, wood + wheel = cart, cart + steam engine = locomotive, bird + fire = phoenix, lizard + earth = beast, beast + vampire = werewolf, worm + earth = beetle, fire + grass = tobacco, beetle + sand = scorpion, tobacco + paper = cigarette, wood + water = boat, cart + beast = chariot, hunter + beast = meat + wool + blood, human + clay = ceramics, human + stone = hut, stone + plankton = shell, shell + stone = limestone, limestone + clay = cement, tools + wool = fabric, human + beast = domesticated animal, life + tree = treant, weeds + earth = mushroom, water + cement = concrete, concrete + bricks = house, fish + beast = dolphin, wood + boat = ship, oil + cart = car, car + air = plane, fabric + human = clothes, air + worm = butterfly, 100. storm + bird = thunderbird, glass + house = skyscraper, domestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizer, limestone + fertilizer = saltpeter, saltpeter + sulfur = gunpowder, weapon + gunpowder = firearm, ship + fabric = frigate ship

piątek, 14.10.2011r.

laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: 111.72m DDD
laurkax3 skomentowała
Treść komentarza: Troche głupia po nie można chodzić po całym poisku tylko w przód i w tył :
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