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Profil: danges121

Login: danges121
Płeć: Mężczyzna
Zarejestrowany: 31.01.2017r.
Ost. logowanie: 05.03.2017, 15:49
Punkty: 232
Wiek 29
Status offline

środa, 01.02.2017r.

danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Historia tej gry polega na uratowaniu rodziny pingwinów z domu Igloo, gdzie została zamknięta w klatce. Czy możesz pomóc pingwinowi wyjść, potrzebuje twojej pomocy. Pomogą Ci w tym odkryte wskazówki i znalezione przedmioty.

Zbierz odpowiednie przedmioty i korzystaj z nich w odpowiednich miejscach. Kliknij na obiekty do interakcji z nimi i rozwiązuj proste zagadki. Powodzenia i miłej zabawy!

danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: To jest rozszerzona wersja gry Sailor Senshi 3.0!
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: FETE IN FORSAKEN TOWER is an interesting point and click type game developed by the ENA game studio. Imagine a situation a naughty boy went to clock tower which looks more haunted. But the boy tries to see the crackers celebration on New Year. Because this place is best location to see that celebration. Help him to cross the path to fulfill his happiness. Keep playing ENA games.
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: A STRIVE FOR BIKE KEY is an interesting point and click type game developed by the ENA game studio. Your father bought a new scooter as new year gift for you but, he did not give the key, he will only give the key to you on new year. The key is hidden somewhere in the house, find the key and ride the scooter with joy. Collect all necessary objects, solve clues and interesting puzzles. Wish you a prospectus and happy new year, keep playing ENA games.
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Hej dziewczyny! Wreszcie ktoś, zrobił fajną grę na temat Lolirock! Polecam tą grę wszystkim co lubią tę kreskówkę!
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: O W and L is a funny math game. This is a puzzle based math game which includes several practices of mathematics with a funny presentation. The base concept is the game is to relate the digits with the word. In this game the word OWL is related to a 3 digit number. In which first letter O represents the first digit of a number. Second letter W represents the second digit of the number and the third letter L represents the third digit of the number. If the number is 245 means that the O is 2, The W is 4 and the L is 5. Now if a question may ask O - W + L = 3, you may choose 245 from the options because it is valid equation with the assumptions of this game. In each question you have to find a number which resembles OWL. For knowing the correct number you will be given some hints. Solve the 50 funny questions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, comparison and algebra to win this game.
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Hey dziewczyny! Zapraszam do fajnej gry, gdzie będzie trzeba ubrać dziewczyny do szkoły. Wybierz ciuszek, dodatek, fryzurę i takie inne rzeczy. To miłej zabawy!
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Description: 1607th-SANTA DOMICILE is an interesting point and click type new escape game developed by ENA Game Studio. You are in a pursuit of collecting 21 Monstrances. Now you are in a santa house which is located in a forest area. You need to collect one of the monstrances from here. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve some interesting puzzles. Keep playing ENA games and have a happy Christmas.
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: How to play:

Press the left mouse button to start. Now move the mouse on identical adjacent FRUITS (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Select at least 3 characters. Release mouse button to let the match happen.

Chain Bonus: Make bigger chains to collect more fruits in single move! Upgrades: Invest money to fight with increasing challenges. Goal: It is a endless game, so your goal is to be on the top of leader board.
Fruit Basket: A nice power up, lets you collect “5 x Number of fruits can be harvesting per block” for each fruit type of active farm.

The fruits stored in warehouse can be used for further challenges or they can also be sold. You can click any fruit to sell it instantly with the price tagged, but in challenges you will get more money for the same fruits. Keep upgrading the warehouse, so that they can accommodate more fruits.

In Challenges, you need to collect some specific fruits equal to the number shown in the row ‘Target’. If you collect fruits more than the target, they would be stored in the warehouse till it reaches its capacity. Rest fruits would be sold out with default prices. The same happens when a challenge remains incomplete.
danges121 zagłosował
Opis gry: Podczas samotnej wycieczki zgubiłeś się w opuszczonym szpitalu. Wykorzystaj swoje umiejętności, aby odkryć wskazówki i zebrać przedmioty, które pomogą Ci się stąd wydostać.

Zbierz odpowiednie przedmioty i korzystaj z nich w odpowiednich miejscach. Kliknij na obiekty do interakcji z nimi i rozwiązuj proste zagadki.
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