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Profil: KnfGame

Login: KnfGame
Płeć: Kobieta
Zarejestrowany: 14.10.2016r.
Ost. logowanie: 05.03.2018, 07:12
Punkty: 573
Wiek 109
Status offline

wtorek, 11.04.2017r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: In this game you have been locked inside a ICU room, You need to find the hidden key inside the room by clicking on the objects and solving some puzzles to escape from ICU room. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click escape games.
KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: In this game you have been locked inside a ICU room, You need to find the hidden key inside the room by clicking on the objects and solving some puzzles to escape from ICU room. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click escape games.

poniedziałek, 10.04.2017r.

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: Knf Escape From Easter Celebration House is the 163rd escape game from knfgame. The story of the game is You have been left alone inside your neighbor house after Easter celebration. To escape from the house you need to click on the objects around the house and use them to solve simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click escape games.

piątek, 07.04.2017r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: Knf Escape From a Government office is the 162nd escape game from Knfgame. The story of the game is to escape from a government office. You have been working extra hours and unfortunately you have been locked inside the government office. click on the objects and solve interesting puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click escape games.

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: Knf Escape From a Government office is the 162nd escape game from Knfgame. The story of the game is to escape from a government office. You have been working extra hours and unfortunately you have been locked inside the government office. click on the objects and solve interesting puzzles to escape. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click escape games.

środa, 05.04.2017r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: The Story of the game is to escape the criminal from the prison. Now you have to Click on the objects around the prison and solve some interesting puzzles to escape from prison. Good luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online and point and click games.
KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: The Story of the game is to escape the criminal from the prison. Now you have to Click on the objects around the prison and solve some interesting puzzles to escape from prison. Good luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online and point and click games.

poniedziałek, 03.04.2017r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: In this game a village goat his been trapped inside a cage inside the neighbor home. To rescue the goat you need to click on the objects around the village and use them to solve some simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click games.
KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: In this game a village goat his been trapped inside a cage inside the neighbor home. To rescue the goat you need to click on the objects around the village and use them to solve some simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun playing knf escape games, free online and point and click games.

sobota, 01.04.2017r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: Wyobraź sobie, że turysta został zamknięty w akwarium morskim niestety. Teraz ty jako gracz pomóż mu znaleźć ukryte przedmioty w okolicy i użyj ich do rozwiązania ciekawych zagadek, aby uciec z morskiego akwarium.
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