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Profil: KnfGame

Login: KnfGame
Płeć: Kobieta
Zarejestrowany: 14.10.2016r.
Ost. logowanie: 05.03.2018, 07:12
Punkty: 573
Wiek 109
Status offline

wtorek, 29.11.2016r.

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: We are introducing 9th new escape game
KNF GAMES. New Colorful Room Escape new online game from KNFgame. Finding all the clues in the Colorful room. Use all the objects and escape from the New Colorful Room Escape

poniedziałek, 28.11.2016r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: KNF Escape Game- New Under Christmas Room Escape Game is our first point and click room escape game created by KNF. In this game someone trapped in a room and you may find a way for him to escape. KNF Escape Game – New Under Christmas Room Escape Game is our first point and click room escape game created by KNF. In this game someone trapped in a room and you may find a way for him to escape.

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: KNF Escape Game- New Under Christmas Room Escape Game is our first point and click room escape game created by KNF. In this game someone trapped in a room and you may find a way for him to escape. KNF Escape Game – New Under Christmas Room Escape Game is our first point and click room escape game created by KNF. In this game someone trapped in a room and you may find a way for him to escape.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: Knf Christmas Party House Escape is the 88th escape game from knfgame. Story of the game is as Christmas is nearing you planned for an Christmas party and decorating the house with your friends, And it was evening time so everyone left the house and unfortunately your locked inside the house. Now you have to click on the objects to solve some interesting puzzles to escape from the Christmas party house. Good Luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online escape games and point and click games.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: Knf Hidden Puzzle Room Escape is the 87th escape game from knfgame. Story of the game is your locked inside a hidden puzzle room. To escape from the room you need to solve the hidden puzzles by using the objects around the room. Good Luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online escape games and point and click games.
KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: Knf Christmas Party House Escape is the 88th escape game from knfgame. Story of the game is as Christmas is nearing you planned for an Christmas party and decorating the house with your friends, And it was evening time so everyone left the house and unfortunately your locked inside the house. Now you have to click on the objects to solve some interesting puzzles to escape from the Christmas party house. Good Luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online escape games and point and click games.

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: Knf Hidden Puzzle Room Escape is the 87th escape game from knfgame. Story of the game is your locked inside a hidden puzzle room. To escape from the room you need to solve the hidden puzzles by using the objects around the room. Good Luck and have fun playing Knf escape games, free online escape games and point and click games.

sobota, 26.11.2016r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: we are introducing 10th new escape game for beauty village escape online game from KNF Game, Finding all the clues in the room. use all the object and escape from the beauty village escape..

KnfGame dodała
Opis gry: we are introducing 10th new escape game for beauty village escape online game from KNF Game, Finding all the clues in the room. use all the object and escape from the beauty village escape..

piątek, 25.11.2016r.

KnfGame zagłosowała
Opis gry: Gdy chłopak był już gotowy do wyjścia na nocną imprezę, okazało się, że matka zamknęła drzwi od zewnątrz. Czy dasz radę pomóc mu się wydostać?
Pomocne będą odkryte wskazówki i znalezione przedmioty.

Zbierz odpowiednie przedmioty i korzystaj z nich w odpowiednich miejscach. Kliknij na obiekty do interakcji z nimi i rozwiązuj proste zagadki.
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