Xigfeldo took the lead, showing the pair where he wanted them, the lion rolling his hips forward as he lay flat on what had to be the dragon's neck https://livesex.bar/ , though so much of his body flowed together that it was hard to see where his neck ended and what would be his torso began. Still, that was not going to stop anyone from having their fun as he twisted and rocked beneath them, floating and bobbing, the lion's balls resting lightly on the dragon's scales https://sexchat.bar/ . Xigfeldo licked his lips. Oh, he didn't have those but that did not mean that he did not enjoy playing with a pair too when he had the opportunity presented to him, something that dragons, typically, did not boast due to the need to be aerodynamic. They tempted his tongue and he was not the sort of dragon that didn't take the chances that were presented to him, swirling his tongue around and toying with them even while the lion's cock was trapped down against his scales https://sexcam.bar/ That could wait. He had plenty of time to spend at the hot spring that day.
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